- A Humiliating Business
- A Little Night Music
- A Spark. To Pierce the Dark.
- A Vision's Just a Vision
- A Weekend in the Country
- Adam Mayfair
- Addison Prudy
- Adele Delfino
- Ah, But Underneath
- Albert Goldfine
- Alejandro Perez
- Alex Cominis
- All the Juicy Details
- Alma Hodge
- Always in Control
- Ana Solis
- And Lots of Security...
- Andrea Bowen
- Andrew Van de Kamp
- Angela Forrest
- Angie Bolen
- Any Moment
- Anything You Can Do
- Art Isn't Easy
- Art Shephard
- Assassins
- Austin Britt
- Austin McCann
- Back in Business
- Bang
- Bargaining
- Beautiful Girls
- Being Alive
- Ben Faulkner
- Benjamin Van de Kamp
- Beth Young
- Betty Applewhite
- Bieżące wydarzenia
- Bob Hunter
- Boom Crunch
- Bree Van de Kamp
- Brenda Strong
- Caleb Applewhite
- Careful the Things You Say
- Carlos Solis
- Carolyn Bigsby
- Celia Solis
- Children Will Listen
- Children and Art
- Chromolume No. 7
- Chuck Vance
- City on Fire
- Color and Light
- Come Back to Me
- Come In, Stranger
- Come Play Wiz Me
- Come on Over for Dinner
- Coming Home
- Connect! Connect!
- Could I Leave You?
- Crime Doesn't Pay
- Cytaty
- Danielle Van de Kamp
- Danny Bolen
- Dave Williams
- Deidre Taylor
- Deirdre Taylor
- Distant Past
- Don't Look at Me
- Don't Walk on the Grass
- Double D's
- Doug Savant
- Down the Block There's a Riot
- Dress Big
- Dylan Mayfair
- Dyrektor Hobson
- Eagle State
- Eddie Orlofsky
- Edie Britt
- Edwin Mullins
- Eleanor Mason
- Emisja
- Epiphany
- Eva Longoria
- Every Day a Little Death
- Everybody Ought to Have a Maid
- Everybody Says Don't
- Everybody Says Don't (sezon 5)
- Everything's Different, Nothing's Changed
- Excited and Scared
- Fairview
- Farewell Letter
- Fear No More
- Felicia Tilman
- Felicity Huffman
- Finishing the Hat
- Flashback
- Fox Life
- Free
- Gabrielle Solis
- Geogre
- George Williams
- Get Out of My Life
- Getting Married Today
- Give Me the Blame
- Gloria Hodge
- God, That's Good
- Goodbye for Now
- Gossip
- Gotowe na wszystko
- Guilty
- Główne postacie
- Harvey Bigsby
- Hawthorne Place
- Hello, Little Girl
- Home is the Place
- How About a Friendly Shrink?
- I'll Swallow Poison on Sunday
- I'm Still Here
- I Guess This Is Goodbye
- I Know Things Now
- I Remember That
- I Wish I Could Forget You
- Ian Hainsworth
- Ida Greenberg
- If...
- If It's Only In Your Head
- If There's Anything I Can't Stand
- Impossible
- In Buddy's Eyes
- In a World Where the Kings are Employers
- Into the Woods
- Is This What You Call Love?
- It Takes Two
- It Wasn't Meant to Happen
- Jackson Braddock
- James Denton
- Jane Carlson
- Jane Hainsworth
- John Rowland
- Juanita ''Mama'' Solis
- Julie Mayer
- Justin
- Karen McCluskey
- Karl Mayer
- Katherine Mayfair
- Kayla Scavo
- Keith Watson
- Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else
- Kompletny czwarty sezon
- Kompletny drugi sezon
- Kompletny pierwszy sezon
- Kompletny piąty sezon
- Kompletny siódmy sezon
- Kompletny szósty sezon
- Kompletny trzeci sezon
- Kompletny ósmy sezon
- Lakeview Drive
- Lee McDermott
- Let Me Entertain You
- Liaisons
- Like It Was
- Lillian Simms
- Lista odcinków
- Listen to the Rain on the Roof
- Live Alone and Like It
- Look Into Their Eyes and You See What They Know
- Lost My Power
- Love is in the Air
- Lovely
- Lucia Miranda
- Lynette Scavo
- M.J. Delfino
- Maisy Gibbons
- Making the Connection
- Mama Spent Money When She Had None
- Marc Cherry
- Marcia Cross
- Marry Me a Little
- Martha Huber
- Mary Alice Young
- Matthew Applewhite
- Maxine Bennett
- Me and My Town
- Mike Delfino
- Mirror, Mirror
- Mitzi Kinsky
- Moments in the Woods
- Mona Clarke
- Monique Polier
- Morty Flickman
- Mother Said
- Move On
- Music from and Inspired by Desperate Housewives
- My Heart Belongs to Daddy
- My Husband, the Pig
- My Two Young Men
- Never Judge a Lady, by Her Lover
- Next
- Nice Is Different Than Good
- Nice She Ain't
- Nick Bolen
- Nicollette Sheridan
- No Fits, No Fights, No Feuds
- No One is Alone
- Noah Taylor
- Nora Huntington
- Not While I'm Around
- Now I Know, Don't Be Scared
- Now You Know
- Odcinki specjalne
- Ojciec Crowley
- One More Kiss
- One Wonderful Day
- Opening Doors
- Oprah is the New Neighbour
- Orson Hodge
- Parcher & Murphy
- Parker Scavo
- Patrick Logan
- Paul Young
- Penny Scavo
- Phyllis Van de Kamp
- Pilot
- Pizza Scavo
- Pleasant Little Kingdom
- Polsat
- Porter Scavo
- Postacie drugoplanowe
- Preston Scavo
- Pretty Little Picture
- Putting It Together
- Remember, Part 1
- Remember, Part 2
- Remember Paul?
- Renee Perry
- Rex Van de Kamp
- Ricardo Antonio Chavira
- Rick Coletti
- Robin Gallagher
- Rose's Turn
- Roy Bender
- Running to Stand Still
- Sam Allen
- School of Hard Knocks
- Searching
- Secrets That I Never Want to Know
- Secrets and Lies
- Sezon 1
- Sezon 2
- Sezon 3
- Sezon 4
- Sezon 5
- Sezon 6
- Sezon 7
- Sezon 8
- She Needs Me
- Silly People
- Smiles of a Summer Night
- Something's Coming
- Sophie Bremmer
- Sorry Grateful
- Sorting Out the Dirty Laundry
- Spis postaci
- Spis użytkowników
- Stella Wingfield
- Steven Culp
- Strona główna
- Sunday
- Sunday in the Park with George
- Susan Mayer
- Suspicion Song
- Suspicious Minds
- Sweetheart, I Have to Confess
- Teri Hatcher
- Thank You So Much
- That's Good, That's Bad
- The Art of Making Art
- The Ballad of Booth
- The Best Thing That Ever Could Have Happened
- The Chase
- The Coffee Cup
- The Game
- The Glamorous Life
- The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues
- The Gun Song
- The Juiciest Bites
- The Ladies Who Lunch
- The Lies Ill-Concealed
- The Little Things You Do Together
- The Miracle Song
- The More You Know, The Juicier It Gets
- The People Will Hear
- The Story of Lucy & Jessie
- The Sun Won't Set
- The Thing That Counts is What's Inside
- Then I Really Got Scared
- There's Always a Woman
- There's Something About a War
- There Won't Be Trumpets
- There is No Other Way
- They Asked Me Why I Believe in You
- Time to Come Clean
- Tom Scavo
- Tornado
- Travers McLain
- Trip Weston
- Truly Content
- Victor Lang
- Watch While I Revise the World
- Wayne Davis
- We're Gonna Be All Right
- We're So Happy You're So Happy
- We All Deserve to Die
- Welcome to Kanagawa
- What's the Good of Being Good
- What's to Discuss, Old Friend?
- What More Do I Need?
- What Would We Do Without You?
- Where Do I Belong?
- Who's That Woman?
- Who Can Say What's True?
- Wielebny Sykes
- Wisteria Lane
- Wisteria Lane 4344
- Wisteria Lane 4345
- Wisteria Lane 4346
- Wisteria Lane 4347
- Wisteria Lane 4348
- Wisteria Lane 4349
- Wisteria Lane 4350
- Wisteria Lane 4351
- Wisteria Lane 4352
- Wisteria Lane 4353
- Wisteria Lane 4354
- Wisteria Lane 4355
- Wisteria Lane 4356
- Wisteria Lane 4358
- Wisteria Lane 4360
- Wisteria Lane 4362
- Witch's Lament
- With So Little to Be Sure Of
- Women and Death